Kyiv, IEC, 15 Brovarskyi Avenue

Denys Rieznik

Data Architect

Works at Intapp, as a Data Architect.

More than 10 years of experience in software development, architecture construction, and database optimization.

He received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP status n 2010 and keeps it to this day.

In addition to his professional activities, Denys is actively involved in the development of the Ukrainian Data Platform community.

Internet Technologies


How to choose database for your project in 2021

Each product we are developing is unique, and mostly all of them require a database. Right now, we have a broad market of commercial and free databases. And this very particular question: “Which database should I choose for it?” becomes more challenging each year.

In this session we will discuss business and technical points you can leverage, making the database choice in 2021.

Organized by the efforts of volunteers from following companies

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Sponsor of “Startups/Blockchain”